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How to survive 2 months in the hospital

After the plane landed at BVA (Paris airport) all I could think about were painkillers. I had a terrible headache so we went directly to the hospital. I got some painkillers but the team from Hematology was like…oh…you feel ok. We will keep you under observation for the weekend and Monday we can start the chemo. I got my hospital bracelet and there I was.Image

And so they did start it only they changed the treatment. At Cluj I was doing HyperC Vad and here they did something stronger from GRAALL(they changed it because the Cluj treatment is good for a 40 years old but not for a teenager with my type of leukemia). So I started with metotrexat and two others in my spine and then for a month I did daunorubicine and asparaginas and other cool names like these. The doctors and especially my doctor and Extern were really careful but stuff did happen. One of my vertebras got fractured because my bones were weakened and we had no idea where the pain was coming from. So I did X-rays and other stuff. But it was ok because I had David every day with me. And this is how I survived. I had him to talk to, watch movies with, hug and the best part is because we spent so much time together my body is now used with his bacteria so there is no danger coming from him. 

Another story from the hospital was with my lung infection. The Hematology team sent me to Intensive Care till I got better and I could breathe by myself…man, I came back in three days. I did not like that place. All the machines were beeping and the nurses were not as nice as mine. So in three days I was back to my room with the proper treatment of course. And there was David again, with me every step of the way. 
If you want to survive 2 months in the hospital make sure your best friend and boyfriend visits you every day, (good for me that they are one) you have internet and plenty of books…and good food of course. 

Now the good news. Last week I went to the hospital again for a blood test and they told me they had found the right donor and he can come in May for the transplant. Until then I will be doing light chemo only to maintain the 0% blasts (bad cells that give leukemia) in my blood and marrow. So at the moment I am home…visiting Paris when I can and eating fresh raspberry and bacon all day long, with David of course. Yes my back still hurts but at least now I can move and walk…like my 82 years old grandma, but walking slowly is better than not walking at all, right?

13 thoughts on “How to survive 2 months in the hospital

  1. Domnu sa fie cu tine Alida…fii tare biruieste raul prin bine ..pupicii din partea tinerilor penticostali,te tinem mereu in rugaciunile noastre,,,te asteptama sa viiacasa sanatoasa :***

  2. Alida impreuna cu Anda iti dorim tot binele din lume si sa fii sanatoasa cat mai curand. Asteptam la vara sa vii in vizita, daca se poate 😉 . Insanatosire grabnica.

    • Dragilor! heeeeeey! Multumesc mult. Chiar la vara nu cred…ca dupa transplant vreo 6 luni o sa am interdictii serioase dar spre toamna cred…sau vacanta de iarna sigur ma duc in Romania macar un picut. va hugguiesc!

  3. Hi there! I’m friends with Roland Szabo and he wrote a kind article about you on his blog. I am so sorry for the traumatizing experience you have to go through. You will be in my prayers. May God bless you with a successful recovery.

  4. Multa speranta si incredere, Alida. Suntem alaturi de tine si sunt convinsa ca vei fi o invingatoare. Te pup si insanatosire grabnica.

  5. Aliduta draga,obligatoriu tre sa te faci bine,sa te coafez de numa numa 🙂 ,mai ales ca voi avea o “Mire junior” care ma va ajuta si tre sa i arat ce minunatie de par are frumusetea de Alida.te imbratisez cu drag si ti doresc toata sanatatea din lume!!

    • Iui! Mire junior! Felicitari de 1000 de ori. normal ca ma fac bine si o sa am un par si mai cret ca inainte. Deja a si inceput sa creasca. te pup si pe tine si pe stelu si pe anca si pe dia si pe ami si sa stiti ca mi-e dor de voi.

      • Multumim,abia astept s o invat sa te “ciufuleasca”.Sa stii ca si noua ne e dor de tine si te asteptam sa ne luminezi salonul cu zambetul si veselia ta infinita.te pupam si ti dorim sanatate multa,multa.

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